ppththththththththththththth! WHAT!?!
California, the "hippy" state, has a plan to get rid of obesity via... (brace yourself)... STERILIZATION of overweight men!
The idea is that if you deem clinically, obese men to be "inferior" (almost has a hint of "nazi" in it, right?), through sterilization (via a free state-sponsored vasectomy) you can eliminate their genetic influence on the "normal" human race.
Read it here.
What? You have a problem with that? Maybe they'll sterilize anyone who catches a cold? Think of all the money will be saved from unused sick days, healthcare, and orange juice.
Next, people who snort when they laugh. SNIP!!
Update: (2:33 PM)
Although I earlier gave it a quick "once over", to see if it was real, I now think the story is bogus. I'm still investigating.
- The domain's info on WHOIS points to: klaf.net, a news site. Also, the created on date is: Jan 2005.
- A google search of "Pacific Northwest Medical Journal" points to: brokennewz.com, a news satire site, where it's listed as an advertiser.
Look at the names of the "doctors" in the article, and then look at the staff page of Broken Newz.
3/31/2005 9:54 AM
This is a hoax:
3/31/2005 8:03 PM
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