Nanny McPhee

I laughed, I cried (just a little!), I had fun.
Emma Thompson makes a scary-looking Nanny McPhee, MAN... that tooth was no joke. It it's a great story. It will definitely be a "new classic".
Blogging from a small part of the Internet linked to NYC.
Today Danny had a few jokes.
While shopping at Target, I saw that Mattel had just came out with a bunch of new Justice League Unlimited sets. They're three-pack sets, and I was really psyched about three of them: a Green Lanterns set (with John Stewart, Tomar-Re and Kilowog), a Villians set (with Copperhead, green & purple Lex Luthor and Mirror Master) and.... a JUSTICE LORDS set (with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman) woo-hoo! Here's a look: The Justice Lords.
Gmail added a "delete" button to our service.... and now I'm scared.
I just came across this application today, and it's truly something I needed. When using it, I like I'm doing exactly what we all should be doing more often. It's called "NaDa" And best of all, it's only 1 byte! I love this.
I was talking with some friends about "Where are all the good guys hiding?" I said "They're right there, you're just overlooking them because you're busy checking out the good-looking guy with the six-pack abs and pecs."
I just saw the first disc, of the two-disc Batman serials of the forties (see info on Wikipedia). This disc was the first-disc of the two-disc 1943 serials. I haven't seen the second disc yet.
HOLY SHYT! I can't believe this. Actually, I CAN believe it. Amy Fisher and the Buttafuocos will have a reunion to "show the healing", riiiight. I can already see my boy Jerry Springer hanging in back with his mic, ready set Steve on them.
Hawaii is the only U.S. state that grows coffee.
This video is awesome. It shows one man, shifting from one race to another. It's the same man, same general proportions, and measurements; but just a few changes here and there.
There's all this talk about Hillary Clinton's comment about the Republican-controlled White House "being run like a plantation". Whatever! But this, and the recent news about the kids who beat some homeless people with bats (even killing one man), brought back to my mind a little piece of territory in Florida called "Plantation".
Sometimes people try to take advantage of (or pull some BS on) someone. For example, let's say someone (let's call him "Meany") was given some power, or put in a position of authority they weren't ready for. Meany tries to use his newfound power to try to help his friend, by unfairly giving his friend a job. Niw Meany and his friend take advantage of the people under them.
This is so funny! I can just imagine the office talk... "Man! That guy's been in there all day." haha
Towel Day :: May 25th, 2006